
Target Market:
I think the product doesn't show a strong resemblance to the 'Tron' theme. However I did try to use a form and colour that was inspired from my earlier initial research. My product therefore cold have a stronger 'Tron' look, however it may still appeal to it's target market.

Product Requirements: The product was quite rushed therefore there are one or two design faults which could have been prevented had I more time to consider these. The finish is reasonable however I think perhaps another layer of colour may have enhanced it. I also think that another colour which represented 'Tron' could have been used to make the product more appealing. The quality of sound is reasonable, and the design holds the circuit and battery as intended.

Size/Weight/Durability: The speaker is portable as it is small and light weight. It is made of a plastic form of MDF making it quite durable and strong.
Aesthetic: The form and colour does show a resemblance to the 'Tron' theme, however I think this perhaps could have been enhanced if I had allowed myself more time. The finish perhaps could have been more sleek.

Manufacturing Process: The speaker was designed using CAD (Pro Engineer) and was manufactured using CAM (3D CNC Router). I found this a useful process.

Safety: The speaker does not pose any health and safety risks.

I feel I made progression with this project as it was out of my comfort zone, a situation that I am not fond of being in. However I feel I have enhanced my knowledge of Pro Engineer and it no longer feels like such a daunting programme. Though I still feel as though my basic skills can be enhanced further through my own time, as there is so much to take in and learn with this CAD programme.
Having said that, I do think this is a very useful programme and therefore I would be happy to teach this in schools as I think it is the future of D.T, use of CAD and CAM like this can give my subject of Design and Technology a life line within the National Curriculum.

The blog became very useful and easy to use once I had sussed it out, I would definitely recommend the blog to be used for portfolio work, as it gives a clear view of a portfolio.

The use of CAM was slightly daunting at first, but once I used the 3D CNC Router I found it a very useful and interesting way to create 3D forms. Though I felt out of my comfort zone not being totally in control of this process, instead it was down to the machine. The use of this machine gave a glimpse to machine used in industry, therefore I found it useful to see for myself how this worked.

Had I managed time better I feel I could have produced this project to a much higher standard. Though I feel I have learnt something from this project, through the use of CAD/CAM technology I now feel more confident with this software, therefore feeling better equipped to teach this within a classroom environment.